Twinagle is an implementation of the Twirp wire protocol for Scala+Finagle.
It allows developers who work in Scala/Finagle to create microservices which have protobuf IDL-described interfaces and to (optionally) send and receive binary protobuf over http.
Key References
- SoundCloud Backstage blog post about the launch of this project
- Blog post launching Twirp
- Twirp golang implementation
- Twirp wire protocol
- Protocol Buffers: Intro
- Finagle: Intro
Project setup
To get started with twinagle, you’ll need to add a plugin dependency to your project and enable the plugin for your build.
Add the folowing line to project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.soundcloud" % "twinagle-scalapb-plugin" % <version>)
Then, enable the plugin in your build by adding this to build.sbt
Defining the API
Twirp APIs are defined in Protobuf files.
By convention, Twinagle expects them to be under src/main/protobuf
For example, place this under src/main/protobuf/haberdasher.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package twitch.twirp.example.haberdasher;
// A Hat is a piece of headwear made by a Haberdasher.
message Hat {
// The size of a hat should always be in inches.
int32 size = 1;
// The color of a hat will never be 'invisible', but other than
// that, anything is fair game.
string color = 2;
// The name of a hat is it's type. Like, 'bowler', or something.
string name = 3;
// Size is passed when requesting a new hat to be made. It's always measured in
// inches.
message Size {
int32 inches = 1;
// A Haberdasher makes hats for clients.
service Haberdasher {
// MakeHat produces a hat of mysterious, randomly-selected color!
rpc MakeHat(Size) returns (Hat);
Generating Code
When you compile your project in SBT (e.g. via sbt compile
or sbt test
Twinagle will generate code from the API definition.
Customizing code generation
To generate code, Twinagle uses scalapb library that supports various customisation options.
The codegen step creates a Service trait that you can extend in order to make a proper Finagle service. Example:
import twitch.twirp.example.haberdasher.HaberdasherService
class HaberdasherServiceImpl extends HaberdasherService {
override def makeHat(size: Size): Future[Hat] =
if (size.inches >= 0) {
size = size.inches,
color = "brown",
name = "bowler"
} else {
Future.exception(TwinagleException(ErrorCode.InvalidArgument, "size must be positive"))
val httpService: Service[http.Request, http.Response] = HaberdasherService.server(new HaberdasherServiceImpl())
The code generator will create two clients: one that communicates over the wire to the matching server using json, and one that uses binary protobuf.
Binary Protobuf:
Our advice is to prefer usage of binary protobuf, unless (for example) it’s important for a human to read the data on the wire easily, or some team standard mandates json on the wire.
val client = new HaberdasherClientProtobuf(httpService)
val hat = Await.result(client.makeHat(Size(34)))
val client = new HaberdasherClientJson(httpService)
val hat = Await.result(client.makeHat(Size(12)))